Saturday, February 13, 2010

Just added to update my networks

Friday, February 12, 2010

ACTIVBoard Gives Voice to the Unspeakable

I love my Promethean ACTIVBoard! I flat out love it.

It's not so much the software, although the Inspire platform has great utilities and functionality. Rather, it is the capacity to follow threads, model effectively, and draw my studnets along and into what we are doing and or exploring.

Let me illustrate specifically what I'm talking about.

Today I cued up a clip from ESPN Outside the Lines entitled "Unspeakable," about a 1916 lynching and the subsequent connection to two present day public figures in Abbeville, South Carolina. (I'm being intentionally vague about details to entice you into following links to take in this most excellent piece)

After passing out copies of Eric Adelson's companion article, and beginning our class reading, I was able to pull up the text as I had copied it into a Google Doc. While reading, students were expected to identify specific details about the principal present-day figures. My alternative students need modeling, modeling. modeling, so, thanks to my ACTIVBoard I was able to select text in the Google Doc and highlight details in colrs unique to each of the men featured.

Now, that could've been achieved with a little forethought and copying onto a transparency; however, what came next was made possible only by the interactive whiteboard. We learend of the unlikely prosperity of a black man circa 1916, so we used Googel to translate acres into square feet. And, using Google maps, we located the town square of Abbeville, SC, looked around in street view, located Abbeville High School, looked for the area fair grounds, and then used line tools to draw a square mile on the map. This combined with some discussion about our infamous history and relationship with slavery, racism, and bigotry, and all of the sudden the magnitude of what happened in Abbeville 93 years ago hit home with my students - a place, an unusually wealthy& self-made man, an indescribably horrible event, and its impact on two present-day Abbeville community members.

It all came to life today. What would've been a far removed, albeit no less significant set of events actually entered my room on an entirely different level today, thanks to my ACTVBoard.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Of Drones and Cleaning my Digital Footprint

Last night during PBS Frontline's Digital Nation a portion of the program surveyed how Predator Drone pilots are engaging in combat from 1/2 a planet away, and there on the screen real American soldiers are depicted actually taking out the enemy. After their shift, they apck up and return to the comfort to of their homes. In America, not on some home away from home base 1/2 a planet away from home.

Taken aback and Awed by where technology has taken things,  I made a Twitter update about sending "a Drone Schlegs into my classroom. :)" No sooner had I updated my feed than I thought, "Somebody's going to misinterpret that one." So, like a good Twitizen, I deleted the tweet.

All night I worried about how that Tweet was read, even though it was out there a very short time.

I lamented that no one is going to know that I am really struggling with my teaching as of late, questioning my ability and my real impact on my students.

I worried further that no one is going to understand that I want my students to be engaged in learning, and I am really having a difficult time drawing them into the material. I writhed over the fact that no one is going to understand from those <140 characters that I am trying to craft lessons while staying a mere 1/2 step ahead of the game, knowing that while I'm feeling bedraggled, my students aren't being served to the degree they deserve.

Bottom line, no one will see the person behind that remark in a state of doubt where he's willing to give it the possibility that a highly trained master teacher taking my form and "piloting me" from 1/2 a world away could have a more meaningful and lasting positive impact on my students than I think I am having this year.

Minutes later, I  updated my feed with what I hope is a better Tweet, one more accurately capturing what was swirling in my head when I posted the earlier update: "I think an avatar and /or Drone version of me would do a better job as of late - one or both should be in front of my room these days."

I am still still worrying, lamenting, and writhing, though.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Digital Nation Anticipatory Set

Perusing my Sunday paper yesterday - yes, some of us do still subscribe to a print source of information - I cam across a "heads up" in the entertainment section regarding Tuesday's showing of Digital Nation on PBS' Frontline. This is of interest not only because I work with technology in my position as educator and technology integration specialist, but because (a) my wife and I are on seemingly opposite sides fo teh fence as it applies to our society's daily immersion in and dependence upon technology resources, and (b) my sons, 8 going on 9 and 11 going on 12, themselves are growing up in the midst of this technology dependent culture.

I am eager to watch this program, have my own views challenged, and really begin giving serious thought to the role technology does, could, and should play in my teaching , learning and living.
I wonder, how is it others regard the 21st century societal prevalence and reliance upon technology, and how it is technology plays a part in their lives, good, bad, or other. In addition, I wonder, are we going "too far"? or are there boundaries we must push to legitimately and positively advance ourselves to a higher, better place personally, interpersonally, and professionally?

(The show airs Tuesday February 2, 2010. Check your local PBS listings for more details & specifics. I, for one, am hoping to engage in the backchannel as it airs.)
